"RIF announces the extension of the deadlines for submission of proposals for the Business Innovation Support Programmes as follows:
- Creation and Initial Development of Startups with International Orientation (Pre-Seed): 20 March 2020, 13:00
- Development of Internationally Competitive Innovative Products and Services from Start-Ups (Seed): 27 March 2020, 13:00
- Development and Promotion of Internationally Competitive Innovative Products and Services by Existing Enterprises (Innovate): 3 April 2020, 13:00
The revised Call Announcements to these Programmes, which record the extension of the deadline, are posted on the IRIS Portal.
As the results of the evaluation of the proposals submitted for the first Call show that there is still budget available for the second Calls of the PreSeed and Innovate Programmes, while the budget for the Seed Programme has exhausted, RIF is making an additional budget effort, in order to meet the needs for the second submission date of all Programmes. A new announcement, on the budget available for the second Call, will follow within the next 2-3 weeks.”