Our Reorganisation/ Restructuring Programme for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), is based on the core principles of our business as illustrated in our Vision and Mission, and is designed to provide and assess vital information that can identify weaknesses and:
- Prepare a Practical/ Realistic tailor-made, facts based, Action Plan and/ or
- Provide Monitoring/Implementation Support
Within the context of our corporate Social Responsibility, as determined by our Vision and Mission, we have created this specific program, which evaluates the specific needs of each enterprise in order to prepare customised practical, realistic solutions founded on the Importance of Optimum Efficiency for the survival of a business and taking into account Potential Areas for Improvement.
For this purpose the 1st Phase of the procedure, which involves current situation analysis, will be provided for free.
Next, according to the results of Current Situation Analysis and discussion of the results with the client, further data analysis will be carried out, only for those companies interested to proceed to the next phase.
Thus, for clients that will decide to proceed to the 2nd phase, the content and expenses for the 2nd phase will be determined in collaboration with the client, and will be tailor-made to the explicit needs and circumstances of the client.
The execution of any project cannot start before we confirm receipt of all required information and documents, as specified in the Program Application Document.
The Program is addressed to enterprises operating in any sector, which:
- Face liquidity and profitability problems
- Are interested to restructure their lending obligations
- Face continuous/ long term reduction in sales
- Experience high operating expenses and low operating profits
- Are interested to grow
- Aim to minimise future problems through proactive planning and organisation
1st Phase: Current Situation Analysis
The 1st Phase of the Program includes three stages:
1st Stage:
- Fill the required information in the «Program Application Document» and
- Submit all required supporting documents, as specified by the «Program Application Document».
Contact us to provide you with the «Program Application Document».
2nd Stage:
- Viability Analysis: Assessment of business continuity potential, considering current economic conditions.
- Enterprise specific Weaknesses/ Needs: Identification of enterprise specific Weaknesses/ Needs, taking into account its current commercial status in terms of efficiency and competitiveness.
3rd Stage:
- Results Presentation/ Discussion: Presentation and Discussion of the results of the Current Situation Analysis with designated enterprise officials.
- 2nd Phase Content Agreement: For each client that will decide to advance to the 2nd phase, the Content and Action Plan of Phase Two are determined, including an Implementation Timeframe. Phase two is tailor-made for each client, according to their specific Needs, Weaknesses and Potential Identified and agreed during Phase One.
2nd Phase: Business Plan Preparation and Implementation
The 2nd Phase of the Program includes the following Stages:
- Business Plan Preparation Including the Following Sections:
- Current Situation Illustration: Recording / Analysis of Enterprise and Sector specific facts. Basic Sections Included: Organisational Mission & Vision, History, External Associates/ Partners, Operations, Organisation and Management, Personnel and Organisational Structure, Technology, Infrastructure & Buildings, Production process, Sector Specific data/ Market Data and Market share based on available creditable official data, Competition. Also covered:
- PEST Analysis.
- Viability Analysis.
- SWOT Analysis.
- Conclusions and Suggestions.
- Business Plan Presentation/ Discussion with client designated official: The completed Business Plan is submitted to the client. Then, following discussion with the client, Objectives and Actions to follow are set and agreed.
- Action Plan Preparation: Then after Objectives and Actions are set and agreed, a Realistic Practical Action Plan Timeframe is prepared and agreed.
- Current Situation Illustration: Recording / Analysis of Enterprise and Sector specific facts. Basic Sections Included: Organisational Mission & Vision, History, External Associates/ Partners, Operations, Organisation and Management, Personnel and Organisational Structure, Technology, Infrastructure & Buildings, Production process, Sector Specific data/ Market Data and Market share based on available creditable official data, Competition. Also covered:
All Specialized Services are also offered separately, independent of a Business Plan, for organizations that collect the required information/ data and have the ability to monitor relevant indicators.
- Specialised Services: Based on the results of the Business Plan prepared, the content of the Action Plan agreed, and taking into account organisation specific information, needs and potential, the following specific Specialised Services aim to maximise benefits provided:
- Financing restructuring: Financing restructuring assessment and negotiations with Financial Institutions and/ or Support in such negotiations.
- Enterprise Restructuring/ Reorganization: Recording of existing structure and processes/ procedures and Restructuring/ Reorganization suggestions aiming at efficiency and effectiveness optimisation. As part of the project the specifications of current systems (Software and Hardware), the use of technology and the Internet are evaluated. Also, upgrade capability and benefits offered are evaluated in terms of Cost Vs Benefit analysis.
- Marketing Plan: Preparation and Implementation/ Implementation Support and adjustment. Marketing Plan is prepared to:
- Increase target Marketing, utilising technology, while minimising marketing costs.
- Set Indicators for results monitoring/ measurement that will provide basis for continuous adjustments leading to efficiency increase.
- Market Research: Primary Market Research including Concept and Product tests, Pricing Research, Usage and Attitude studies, Mystery Shopping studies, Customer satisfaction studies, Segmentation studies, Brand Image / Advertising Comprehension / Recall / Awareness Studies. Given that Purchase behaviour is affected by varying Economic conditions, market understanding and customer satisfaction monitoring, particularly in view of recent economic and social changes, can lead to Competitive Advantage formation.
- Utilisation of appropriate Subsidy Schemes Continuous screening and evaluation of available Programs/ Subsidy Schemes to achieve utilisation of appropriate programs providing funding for the implementation of all or part of the Action Plan, and/ or additional emerging needs.
3rd Phase: Action Plan Implementation Monitoring and Control
The 3rd Phase of the Program involves the extent and duration of our involvement in the Implementation of Action Plans:
- Business Plan Preparation: The duration of the period of our involvement and the extent of our involvement as part of the Implementation of the Action Plan will be determined within the Action Plan agreed, following the completion of the Business Plan preparation, according to client specific needs and requirements.
- Specialised Services: The duration of the period of our involvement and the extent of our involvement as part of the Implementation of Specialised Services activities will be determined by a separate Action Plan to be prepared and agreed for each Specialised Service required.
Contact us to provide you with the «Program Application Document».