Funding ProgrammesAll you need to know about each Funding program

For each of the Subsidy Scheme below a new call for proposals/ applications is expected during the following period.

In order to create the conditions necessary for the utilization of the Scheme that meets your needs it is important to start preparing early, as your idea should be evaluated and shaped accordingly, information within the context of the proposal/ business plan to be prepared needs to be collected and analyzed, and quotations as well as other documentation material must be gathered according to the requirements of each specific Scheme.

In order for us to assist you determine whether you are eligible for the Scheme of your interest and help you prepare timely, you can complete the “Eligibility Check” form or “Contact Us" or by phone at 70005054.

Information on Expected Subsidy Schemes, below, is based on the most recent Call for Proposal Submission for the specific Scheme. Please note that changes may occur between Calls. Information for the new Call will be posted in the section Subsidy Schemes.


Below you can see information on the Programme based on the previous, latest Call, RESTART 2016-2020: DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONALLY COMPETITIVE INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES BY STARTUPs SEED/1221. It is noted that there may be variations in parameters between Calls.

Based on the planning of the RIF, the new Call is expected to be in the first half of 2025.

We can help you analyse and evaluate your needs and define and implement the optimal solution based on the parameters of the programme.

Click, here, to book a Telephone Appointment for free assessment of your Eligibility and Needs, so as to prepare in a timely manner and/ or contact us for support for proposal preparation and submission.


The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announces the Call for Proposals for the «Development of Internationally Competitive Innovative Products and Services by STARTUPs (SEED)» Programme within the framework of the «RESTART 2016-2020» Programmes for Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RTDI) and invites potential beneficiaries to submit relevant Project Proposals (Proposals).

The present Call will be financed by the Recovery and Resilience Facility of the NextGenerationEU instrument, in the frame of the action C3.212 «Innovation Funding Programmes and Funding Schemes for the Enhancement of Growth and Competitiveness of startups, innovative companies and SMEs» of the Cyprus Recovery and Resilience Plan. The Action is implemented under Policy Axis 3: «Strengthening the Resilience and Competitiveness of the Economy», and specifically the Component 3.2 «Enhanced Research and Innovation».


Programme Development of Internationally Competitive Innovative Products and Services by STARTUPs
Call Identifier SEED/1221
Funding Source EU Recovery and Resilience Facility
Call Budget 6.000.000 Euro
Maximun Funding Per Project 500.000 Euro
Publication Date 14 December 2021

18 February 2022, time 13.00

The English version of the Call, even though an official translation endorsed by the Research and Innovation Foundation, is provided for information purposes only. Only the Greek version of the Call is legally binding and shall prevail in case of any divergence in interpretation.

The objective of the «Development of Internationally Competitive Innovative Products and Services by STARTUPs (SEED)» Programme is to support the rapid development of dynamic and innovative STARTUPs which intend to develop internationally competitive products or services, as well as to mobilize private investment funds for this purpose.

All general rules and procedures for the participation of organisations and individuals, the eligible activities and costs, as well as the specific information regarding the Programme «Development of Internationally Competitive Innovative Products and Services by STARTUPs (SEED)», as well as the other RESTART 2016-2020 Programmes, are included in the RESTART 2016-2020 Work Programme, which is the main reference document and an important information source for interested parties and can be found on the Research and Innovation Foundation’s IRIS (Innovation Research Information System) Portal (

SPECIFIC CONDITIONS for this call are detailed in the attached Call for Proposals document.

Proposals are submitted through the Research and Innovation Foundation’s IRIS Portal (

The Project Coordinator and all local participating organisations in the Project Consortium, should register in advance on the IRIS Portal.

Potential applicants are advised to use the «Guide for Applicants», which contains guidelines and clarifications regarding the Submission procedure and the «IRIS Portal User Manual» which can be found on the IRIS Portal (

The Research and Innovation Foundation encourages in all its Calls for Proposals:

  • the participation of women as Project Coordinators, and
  • the gender-balanced formation of projects.

The Project Proposal consists of the following parts:
1. Part A – General Information & Budget (electronic form (fields) to be completed online through the IRIS Portal).
2. Part B – Technical Annex (document to be uploaded as an Annex on the IRIS Portal in PDF format).
3. Annex I – Curricula Vitae (document to be uploaded as an Annex on the IRIS Portal in PDF format and includes the CVs of the Coordinator and the key personnel of the project team – Mandatory Submission). 


Evaluation Procedure
The evaluation procedure of the «Development of Internationally Competitive Innovative Products and Services by STARTUPs (SEED)» Programme consists of the Preliminary Check, as it is described in the RESTART 2016-2020 Work Programme, and then the Evaluation Stage I and Stage II will follow, as these are described in «Section II – Programmes», Programme «Development of Internationally Competitive Innovative Products and Services by STARTUPs (SEED)» of the RESTART 2016-2020 Work Programme.

The Evaluation Committee is expected to meet in the period between June-July 2022.

Prior to the evaluation of each Proposal, according to the evaluation criteria, the evaluators will check the compatibility of the Proposal with the Program's objectives and the provisions of the Call for Proposals. If the Proposal is inconsistent with the objectives of the Program, the Evaluator rejects the Proposal and does not proceed with the examination of the evaluation criteria.

Evaluation Criteria/Weighting
1. Excellence - Weight 30%
2. Added Value and Benefit - Weight 35%
3. Implementation - Weight 35%

Proposals that have been deemed eligible for funding following the evaluation procedure, will be selected for funding. It is noted that, the total funding of approved projects, will not exceed the total Call budget.



Eligibility Check

Fill up the Eligibility Check form below and we will check FREE OF CHARGE if your company is eligible for subsidy

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We will be happy to respond to any queries you may have, so feel free to contact us at anytime.


+357 70005054

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